New Year, New You: 6 Chillbo Resolutions to Help You Crush 2020
Posted by Harry Stewart on
And just like that, January has come back around again. Hello 2020, we’ve got some big plans for you.
We're not much for new year's resolutions. But heading home from the holidays made us take pause to reflect on the year to come.
Let’s resolve to give the new year a damn good crack. To grab 2020 by the horns and make it the best damn 365 days of your life. No pressure!
We’ve put together a few resolutions to help keep us on track.
Get Fit While Discovering The Great Outdoors
It might not feel like it with the January deep freeze in full swing, but the U.S.A is blessed in terms of outdoor recreational pursuits. At Chillbo, we’ve traveled the world over, and we can confidently state that our national parks are a step above the rest, even if the government does shut them down every once in a while.
So make the most of our country’s greatest asset this year by hiking, camping or biking to your heart’s content.
As an awesome extra, you’ll be working yourself into shape in the process.
Let’s face it; gyms suck. But by picking a rigorous hobby and practicing it in a pristine outdoor location, you’ll be able to remove the work from your “work out.”
Other ideas for grabbing some incidental exercise are riding your bike to work, taking the stairs, or getting a dog to motivate your daily walk. Achieving a super toned beach bod is way easier when exercise is normalized and fun.
Which brings us to our next point...
American National Park | © Johannes Andersson
Become A Beach Bum
Okay, so we probably can’t compete with the blindingly white sands of Thailand or the Caribbean.
Nevertheless, you don’t have to look hard to find a pristine beach in the USA. And once summer comes a-knockin', hitting a beautiful stretch of American sand with your besties is the best way to own 2020 in style.
Regardless of whether you’re on the east coast or west, spend some quality time frolicking in the waves this year. Alternatively, you could kick back on a cushy inflatable hammock lounger while either smoking a doobie, working on your tan, or reading a kickass paperback.
California beach | © Xan Griffin
Read More Books
Speaking of books, how many did you get through last year? Probably not as many as you would’ve liked, amirite?
Although the beach is the ideal place to flick through a novel or two, anywhere quiet and comfortable will do in a pinch.
Aside from being oodles of wholesome fun, reading enhances your linguistic skills and provides an epic all-around cognitive workout (you’ll sound smarter at the watercooler). And with the right gripping saga at hand, you’ll probably even find reading more captivating than Netflix.
Unplug For A While
With the internet at our fingertips, it’s easy to become absorbed by a relentless bombardment of information at all hours of the day. That shiny little screen is now impossible to live without, and its all-consuming addictive nature is distracting us from impromptu adventures.
Of course, we're not suggesting you throw your iPhone away. Just that you try to take a break every once in a while (and maybe pack it away in your fanny pack😉).
We've committed ourselves to one digital detox each month. A full weekend camping trip somewhere without a cellphone signal in sight, or better yet, to just leave the damn thing at home every once in a while.
Another awesome way to completely disconnect is floating down one of our stunning waterways on a river float. Trust us, you’ll be drifting off downstream in a euphoric haze before you can say “Thanks Chillbo!”
Hit the Roadtrip, Jack
One thing we do well in the states is drive; everywhere and all the time. Which kinda makes sense when you consider our public transport sucks, yet our highways rule. This, of course, can only mean one thing: a great American road trip should be on the cards this year.
Whether you’re hauling ass down Route 66 or cruising through the Florida Keys, a four-wheeled foray is the ultimate exercise in American freedom.
The classic American road trip | © Nathan Anderson / Unsplash
Try Something New That Scares You
We've all got that sport or outdoor pursuit that we've been meaning to try, but been a little too gun-shy to leap into. For me, those two things are canyoneering and kiteboarding. They seem positively radical and frightening at the same time!
Whether it's kiteboarding or SCUBA or anything in between, make 2020 the year you take the plunge and feel the wind in your hair!
As you can see, the great outdoors is the key to contentment in 2020. By all means, look after your health, finances, and career. Just don’t neglect to indulge in a few fun adventures as well. YOLO!
From all of us at the Chillbo team, best wishes for what’s set to be an amazing year ahead!
- Tags: 2020 adventure inspiration new year travel